A Poor Man, a poem by Binod Dawadi

A Poor Man


Call me the lazy one,

I can’t earn and give,

Anything to you.

I can’t fulfill your dreams,

By my hardest works,

Also I can’t be rich,


I have promised you,

That I won’t let any drops,

Of tears fall from your eyes,

But I failed to do so,

I gave a false promise,


To you,

Sorry you can call me a lazy man,

I don’t want this,

But in materialistic world,

You also can’t understand me and my love,


You need luxury and money,

I am a poor man,

Don’t do love with me,

Your life will be destroyed,

I am sorry.


Bio of the Poet: Binod Dawadi is from Purano Naikap 13, Kathmandu, Nepal. He has completed his master’s degree from Tribhuvan University in English. He likes to read and write many literary forms and is the author of many poems and stories. Binod is a creative man and does not waste his time. He sees the troubles and obstacles of the people and is always helping the poor and believes through writing and art it is possible to change the knowledge and perspectives of people toward many things.

Binod loves his country, Nepal very much. He is familiar with many cultures in his country as well as foreign countries and is always thinking and solves his problems by using his mind. He dreams to be a great man in this life.
He has published poetry books by Prodigy, The Power of Words, Love and Life’s Difficulties, Nature, Animals and Human Beings. He writes in Nepali, and English magazines and Anthologies. He works day and night to become a successful writer. He is active in distributing his knowledge in literature as well as in teaching and is very dedicated to his work.
Binod dreams of becoming wealthy to help the poor people in society and he never loses hope in life. His vision is to change society through knowledge, so he is always working to give enlightenment to the people.


Binod DawadiEnglish PoemNepal PoetPoor Man