About Us

About Us

HimalyaDiary.com is an unit of Himalayan Diary Private Ltd registered under Companies Act, 2006 of the Nepal Govt . Himalayan Diary Private Ltd Registration No: 290896/78/079. HimalyaDiary.com online bilingual (Nepali, English ) news and literary portal from Kathmandu (Nepal) that showcases news, opinions, literary creations, critical writings, and artworks. HimalyaDiary is a Nepali digital news media platform. This is the only global portal from Nepal focusing on Asian continent as a whole to the world.

HimalyaDiary’s , literature, arts, culture, political, business, sports coverages are supplemented with opinions, intellectuals and analysts.

We at HimalyaDiary.com publish news, literary works, creative and critical works, researches, special features on distinguished writers and legends, book reviews, artworks, audio-visual creations, interviews, e-books, e journal.

Ranjana Niraula, Editor in Chief
Email Id: editor@himalayadiary.com

Asst- Editor: Sushant Thapa
Email Id: editor@himalayadiary.com

Consulting Editor: Rashmi Ranjan Parida
Social Media Coordinator: Phoneix Raul


editor@himalayadiary.com, editorhimalayadiary@gmail.com