Age of Innocence, A Poem by Ranjit K Sahu

Age of Innocence, A Poem by Ranjit K Sahu


A Poem composed by Ranjit K Sahu 


 Agile among the blooming daffodils

Galloping on grass like a colt in spring

Eagerness for life in each breathe it fills

Offering to bewitch like buds blooming.


Forgetting heat and dust shall greet life soon

Indulge in the play of the soul and earth

Not bothering for what woes will be strewn

Not caring for what lies in life post birth 


Over the meadows among the birds’ song

Casually the spring winds shake the boughs

Eyes capture each view as life treks along 

Never tired of the green grass and the cows.


Cast your spell Oh spring wind in life again

Embedding joy in hearts while downplaying pain.


Ranjit K Sahu

Charlottesville VA USA

A Painting by Ranjit K Sahu

Age of InnocenceRanjit K Sahu