Chitwan National Park: 222 animals rescued in one year, 76 animals died

Chitwan. 76 animals of 15 different species have died in Chitwan National Park in the last financial year. According to the information officer of the park, Ganesh Prasad Tiwari, 24 chitals died of natural causes and 2 due to dog attacks. Likewise, 21 rhinos have died during that period. He said that 18 of them were due to natural causes, while two were caused by poachers and the cause of one could not be revealed. Similarly, eight tigers died due to natural causes. He said six Ratuas were found dead. They all died of natural causes. Five elephants and four elephants died of natural causes. During this period, two watch crocodiles have died. One is due to natural causes, while the other is not yet known.
Information Officer Tiwari said that two alligators, one wild boar, one Laguna and two other animals died of natural causes. He informed that among the dead animals, 70 animals were killed by natural causes, two by poachers, two by dog attacks, and two by unexplained causes. Last year, the park rescued 222 animals. Among those rescued, the largest number of pythons is 141. He informed that 33 snakes, 11 tigers and alligators have been rescued.
Six chitals, three rhinoceroses, two each of wild boar, wild boar and leopard, one gold tortoise and one crocodile have been saved. Information officer Tiwari said nine other animals were rescued.