Depression is increasing in teenagers, how to identify?

Many parents complain of stress and depression in their adolescent children. Children who have reached this age neither want to tell their parents about their problems nor can they come out of the problem themselves. In such cases, depression and anxiety affect their personality, studies and social life.
According to Healthline, the symptoms of depression in teens can be very difficult to recognize. Symptoms can often be difficult to accurately identify due to their changing age. According to the American Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, there are some specific signs to recognize for depression in teenage children. For example, being sad, irritable, crying about everything, not having an appetite, gaining weight, not showing interest even in fun activities, etc.

In addition to this, there are symptoms such as being bored all the time, lack of energy, lack of concentration, guilt, feeling helpless, drastic changes in sleeping habits, self-harming, staying away from friends, not participating in school activities. Moreover, the poor performance of the school has become the cause of their problems. Not only this, staying alone in the room or misbehaving with others, etc. are also symptoms of depression and anxiety in teenagers.

If you make changes in the lifestyle of teenagers, you can avoid these symptoms and make them positive and you can help them get out of the problem. Research has found that if they get into the habit of exercising in the morning without being forced to, their body’s ‘feel good’ hormones are activated and their mood improves throughout the day.

Research has shown that teenage girls struggle mentally even if they do not get enough sleep. For this it is necessary to let them sleep at the right time at night and at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep should be advised. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to their diet. Experts suggest reducing the amount of sugar and processed food or fat in food as much as possible.

Apart from this, parents should not stress by taking certain things into consideration. Not only this, tell the children to have expectations from them, but there is no need to be disappointed if they are not fulfilled, suggest not to hesitate to ask for help if necessary. Teach to develop the habit of keeping good relationship with people, keeping life simple. But if this does not help you should contact a doctor.