Dream of White Fence”

Dream of White Fence”
By Rachana Sunar
I dream of white fence
Where white represent peace
Where white promotes equality
Where  hate,shame, bitterness, dark fades away
Violence can’t enter from the door of humanity
  I dream of white fence
Where I can breathe fearlessly
I can cherish my well-being
Where I can live my life carelessly
  I call your home, my home
I tag your name , my name
I serve you and yours day and night
Seriously! All I get in return, is disgrace and fight
My reality is far different
Than my imaginary dream
To hide bruises and wounds
I try tons different concealer and cream
I dream of white fence
Where exist  trust, laughters and love
I want to fly high with my pride
Out of toxic cage, like a free dove
I need respect as a human
I want to feel proud of being born as woman
All creatures feel safe inside of their cave, nest and hut
But I get scared to live in my own home,
where  I’m abused, punished and treated as slut
But I still dream of white fence
For my daughter and grand daughter hence
 About Rachana Sunar
 Rachana Sunar, Founder of IDEA Nepal working to end violence against women and girls in Nepal. IDEA Nepal use creative ideas and arts to address such social issues and spread awareness among the people by using arts and cultures. We perform strict drama, wring success stories, storytelling, writing journals and newsletters, poems and songs  in different social issues.