Forest, A Poem by Raja Chakraborty


A Poem Composed by Raja Chakraborty 

Desires entangled, symmetry in confusion of entwined roots, an extended family of progenies through symbiosis.


All they cared for- it’s green after all, branching out in every direction, leaves covering soft succulents from the heat.


Trunks standing guard  they conquered inches and miles

after miles, a riotous harmony of

shapes and sizes, without a bloodbath!


Birds thanked their struggle.

Beasts bowed down to their

simple power.


Only humans thought, because

they could and green became the

color of money.


Trees were felled in numbers

no war can match and with the last one gone there was no more battles to fight, except disaster.


Forests are dreams, if you chose to. Nightmares, if you don’t.


Bio of the Poet: 


Born and brought up in Kolkata, India, Raja Chakraborty is a much published bilingual poet, writing in English and Bengali. He has penned five books of English poems so far, ‘The Soup Bowl and Other Poems’, ‘Whispers in the Wind’, ‘Broken Lines and Rainbows’, ‘About Maya and Other Poems’ and ‘Where the Shadow Falls’. His Bengali publication spans six books. He is also a regular contributor to magazines and anthologies which include Setu, Piker Press, The Writers Club, First Out, Litterateur Rw, Dissident Voice, Duanespoetree, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Borderless Journal and a host of anthologies. 



ForestKolkata PoetRaja Chakraborty