IIT Roorkee launches SPARK internship program 2023

IIT Roorkee launches SPARK internship program 2023
Roorkee : Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee) launches SPARK internship program 2023. The internship program is an annual flagship program of the IIT Roorkee. Under the SPARK program, IIT Roorkee offers internships to UG students from all over India. Students are offered a stipend of Rs 2500 per week for 6-8 weeks. This programme aims to attract and nurture talented undergraduate students across the country. Selected students will work on cutting-edge research topics with faculty members from 26 academic departments and centres. This year internships are also offered in the newly established Mehta Family School of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
As a part of 175 years celebrations of IIT Roorkee, 25 UG and 10 PG internships are offered specially for the students from Institutes within the 200 km range of IIT Roorkee under SPARK. The maximum duration of the UG internship will be six weeks, and the duration of the PG internship will be six months.
The last date for application submission is March 31, 2023. The result will be announced in the second week of April, and student can start their internships in the second week of May 2023. For more details about the program and application process, the applicants are advised to visit the SPARK website. IIT Roorkee faculty members will give these interns the utmost attention and a world-class facility, for which this internship program has gained high popularity in a short period.
Practical, hands-on experience is highly important for all engineering, science, and applied science students, especially if the experience is gained in an IIT environment. Starting in 2018, IIT Roorkee has offered institute-funded and project-funded summer internships under the SPARK program. The program has been highly successful, with 15000+ applications last year, out of which 120+ offers were made. The interns’ work was well recognised, resulting in many research publications in reputed journals and international conferences.
Talking about SPARK, Prof. K.K. Pant, Director IIT Roorkee, said, “Practical, hands-on experience is highly important for all engineering, science and applied science students, especially if the experience is gained in an IIT environment. The SPARK summer internship programme by IIT Roorkee aims to offer this experience to all interns selected after a tough competition among the brightest minds. We hope this internship program will change the life and mindset of some of the chosen minds of our country and create enthusiasm towards their field of study.”