India tells COP27 not to make Coal lone villain as all fossil fuels contribute to Green House Gas emissions

India tells COP27 not to make Coal lone villain as all fossil fuels contribute to Green House Gas emissions

India has told the UN climate talks – COP27 not to make Coal the lone villain as all fossil fuels contribute to the Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.

Making its intervention during presidency consultation on the cover decisions of COP27, India also suggested certain points to be included in the decision text, saying the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement requires phasing down of all fossil fuels.

India urged the acceleration of the global clean energy transition as per national circumstances and acknowledging that all fossil fuels contribute to GHG emissions.

India also invited other countries to consider the Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12) on sustainable consumption and production, and promote a global mass movement for climate-friendly lifestyles.

India told the participants that selective singling out of sources of emissions, for either labelling them more harmful, or labelling them ‘green and sustainable’ even when they are sources of greenhouse gases, has no basis in the best available science.

New Delhi expressed deep regret that countries continue to live in an unequal world with enormous disparities in energy use, incomes and emissions.

India drew attention of the negotiators towards recognising that the global carbon budget is shrinking rapidly and there is necessity of its equitable sharing.