Indian NDRF has joined the search and rescue operation alongside the Nepali Armed Police Force, Nepal Army of the missing buses carrying over 60 passengers plunged into a swollen river

Indian NDRF has joined the search and rescue operation alongside the Nepali Armed Police Force, Nepal Army of the missing buses carrying over 60 passengers plunged into a swollen river

Kathmandu: A 12-member team from the Indian NDRF has joined the search and rescue operation alongside the Nepali Armed Police Force, Nepal Army, and Nepal Police, of the missing buses carrying over 60 passengers plunged into a swollen river following a landslide in Central Nepal.

On the 10th day of two bus accidents that killed more than 60 people, a combined search operation of Nepal’s Armed Police Force and India’s National Disaster Response Force continues to find dead bodies from the accident. A 12-member team of India’s National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) has been searching since this morning.

Out of the 65 people on board the bus, three managed to survive, while 62 people went missing. To date, the bodies of 25 people have been found in different areas along the Trishuli and Narayani rivers. The condition of 37 passengers and the two buses is still unknown.

The team came from India at the request of the government due to the lack of sufficient modern tools required to search the flooded river.