Inseparable, A Poem by Monalisa Parida

Inseparable, A Poem by Monalisa Parida


Poem composed by Monalisa Parida

You are near,

Even if I don’t see you. 

You are with me, 

Even if you are far away. 

You are in my heart, 

In my thoughts, 

In my life, 


You and I 

Look each other, 

Eyes meet, 

Hands clasp, 

Lips join,

Hearts beat in unison, 

Souls unite, 

The “I” disappear,

The “YOU” vanish,

The “US” appear, 

The “WE” born,



Whole one

March forward. 

I don’t know 

Much about the future 

The only certainty I have

Is that 

It starts and ends 

With you.


Bio of the poet: Monalisa Parida is a postgraduate student of English literature from Odisha, India and a prolific poetess. She  is very active in social media platforms and her poems have also been translated into different  languages and published  in various e-journals. She has got 80 international award for writing poetry. Her poems have been published in international e-journals “New York parrot”, “The Writers Club” (USA), “Suryodaya Literary  Foundation”, “kabita Minar”, “Indian Periodical” (India) and “Offline Thinker“, “The Gorkha Times “ ( Nepal), “The Litehouse”(Portugal), “Bharat vision”(Romania), “International cultural forum for humanity and creativity”(Aleppo, Syria),”(Singapore) etc. And also published in various newspapers like “The Punjabi Writer Weekly (USA)”,  “News Kashmir (J&K, India)”, Republic of Sungurlu (Turkey)” etc. Her poems are published in an American anthology named “The Literary Parrot Series-1 and  series-2 respectively (New York, USA)”. Her poems have been translated in various languages like Hindi, Bengali, Turkish, Persian, Romanian etc.  And she is the author of the book “Search For Serenity”, “My Favourite Grammar” and “Paradigm”.


IndiaInseparableMonalisa ParidaOdisha Poet