It is snowing in Georgia, A poem by Tulasi Acharya

It is snowing in Georgia, A poem by Tulasi Acharya

It is snowing in Georgia

Look, it’s snowing in Georgia

Like cotton balls fall rolling and rolling

Like twisting and winding fibers falling from the sky.

Look, Indra, a Hindu God of the sky, is spinning yarn on a spinning wheel.

The more I look, the more fascinating it becomes.

The more I look into it, the more splendid it becomes.

Layer by layer, inch by inch

The snow rests on grass, plants, bushes and the branches of a bare tree

And embraces them like a mother embraces her first-born baby.

Look, snow hides everything around me, its arms preventing me from seeing.

Where is the red rose or the bare tree or the green grass?

All are white standing like an old man with a stick,

Or the statue of a woman in a white sari,

Or white herons picking tits-bits,

Or kissing lovers under a white veil.

My heart sprang to hold your hand and go out to play in the snow.


Bio of the Poet: Tulasi Acharya was born in the South Asian country of Nepal. He completed his Master’s degree in English in Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu. He also taught English and Journalism courses at colleges in Nepal, where he authored textbooks on mass communication and journalism. A prolific writer, Acharya published short stories, poems, and articles in Nepali journals, national newspapers and online. He moved to the United States in 2008 to pursue a Master’s degree in creative writing. He holds a Ph.D. in Public Administration from Florida Atlantic University, USA. Originally from Nepal, Acharya has a Master’s degree in Women’s Studies and a degree in Professional Writing and Creative Writing. His research interests are disability, policy, gender and sexuality, marginalized narratives, critical theory, and post colonialism, including creative writing and translation.

GeorgiaIt is snowing in GeorgiaNepalPoemTulasi AcharyaUnited States of America