MCA-Nepal has awarded and signed a contract with Linxon India Pvt. Ltd. for the construction of the 400 kV New Butwal Substation

MCA-Nepal has awarded and signed a contract with Linxon India Pvt. Ltd. for the construction of the 400 kV New Butwal Substation

MCA-Nepal has awarded and signed a contract with Linxon India Pvt. Ltd. for the construction of the 400 kV New Butwal Substation in Nawalparasi (Bardaghat Susta West) district in Lumbini Province.The 400 kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) substation will be constructed within the contract duration of 39 months.

Kul Man Ghising, the Managing Director for Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) and His Excellency Dean R. Thompson, the U.S. Ambassador to Nepal, local authorities and elected representatives were also present at the signing ceremony in Bhumahi, Nawalparasi (Bardaghat Susta West) today.