My Sweet Guide, A poem by Monalisa Parida

My Sweet Guide, A poem by Monalisa Parida


A poem composed by Monalisa Parida


Oh, my blooming love!

One day I might 

Bite the dust.

But till then 

I will continue 

Loving you my dear. 

Stop me

If you can, I’ve no objection 


I don’t take permission 

To love you 

As such simply 

I love without any vacillation. 

Let me be fluorescence 

In your amaranthine

Garden of incandescence. 

You are my 

Innocent sunrise, 

My escort of 

Idle afternoon, 

Best comrade of 

My chilled night. 

Reposefully I dwell in your eyes, 

When you fall asleep. 

I keep you awake, 

Like a pulchritudinous dream. 

Also I keep you active,

And beguiling you to many streams.

You are 

My asset, 

My pride, 

My blood, 

And my sweet guide. 

You and I

An enchanting affair 

Let us continue 

Forever and evermore

Till death do us apart.


Bio of the poet: Monalisa Parida is a poet form Odisha, India. She has an M.A. in English literature. She has published five books on different genres. The books are available on Amazon.


IndiaIndian PoetInternational authorMonalisa ParidaMy Sweet GuideOdisha