Not only humans, but also ants do the operation

Washington DC. If there is a problem or a disease in the human body, surgery is performed. It is only in good people.

Due to medical studies, people have got this goodness. This complex process requires a lot of talent. But in America, scientists have searched for such ants, which also perform surgery.
This ant, which operated to save its friends, was discovered in Florida. These are called Carpenter Aunts. They recognize an injury to the leg of a fellow ant living in the same nest and cut off the leg or part of it to heal the injury.

In 2023, Frank’s team found a species of African ant. Its name is said to be Megaponera analis. It used to treat the injured companions in its nest with antimicrobial substances released from its body. Carpenter ants found in Florida don’t have this.

But they are adept at amputating the legs of their injured companions. Carpenter ants use their mouths for healing. When they see that the wound will not heal, they cut off the wounded part with their mouth and throw it away. This study has also been published in Current Biology journal. The scientists focused on two types of injuries in this study. agency