Over 2,000 people were killed in a landslide in Papua New Guinea

Port Moresby. On Monday, Papua New Guinea informed the United Nations that more than 2,000 people were buried in the landslide that took place on Friday. More than 2 thousand were buried alive in the landslide. It has caused widespread damage.’

The National Disaster Center there has informed the United Nations Office in the capital Port Moresby. On Friday morning, a village in Enga province was completely buried when a piece of Mungalo mountain fell.

It is said that a large number of people were buried in the landslide because people were sleeping inside the house. It is said that the house and garden were buried by the landslide. The main highway leading to the Porgera mine has also been completely closed. As the soil continues to fall bit by bit from the mountain, there has been an obstacle in the rescue operation. It is said that the lives of rescue workers have also been lost.