Philosophical Thoughts of Rajendra Ojha (Nayan)

Philosophical Thoughts of Rajendra Ojha (Nayan)

Philosophical thoughts of Rajendra Ojha (Nayan) 

  • Here the best-known creation changes, you talk about principles my friend, ever have you experienced static earth that you expect from mankind?
  • No matter how simple and easy the work is in reality, adding more rules to those easy works can make them complex and tough.
  • Writers are evergreen factories of words, thoughts, and emotions.
  • Religion should set good ethics, not boundaries.
  • Science is nothing but the search of everything through every possible perspective.
  • If our heart is completely exhausted from pumping, the god of death remembers us. But if our mind is completely tired from excess stress we will remember god of death.
  • You are well-known alien for my sense filled with differently usual characters.
  • We can never enjoy our life in presence of many hidden desires that are present within us due to certain social circumstances. This in the future makes some people impose their unfulfilled desires to their future generation by ‘Hook’ or by ‘Crook’.
  • We keep on dying throughout our lifespan and wish to live when death approaches.

Bio of the writer: Rajendra Ojha (Nayan) is a poet, social researcher, philosopher, social worker, and Erasmus+ certified trainer. Here are some of his best philosophical ideas.

KathmanduNepalPhilosophyRajendra Ojha (Nayan)