Two Poem By Maid Corbic

Two Poem By Maid Corbic



The woman is great for me
It’s the meaning of life.
Faith in oneself
I give love to everyone

Women are special.
Women are great
Because without them
I would be dead

Women are special.
Because I give my word
Respect and peace
Happiness and joy

Women are great
Heaven for me
Because love again
I give to all women.



Women are wonderful
Women are great
Women are special.
A paradise for the eyes

The soul seeks peace
Because they are special
They gave it to me
Strength every day

I spread love
To all women again
Because I’m great
When I share love with women

Women are miracles of God.
But I know they are warriors.
When you get angry just once
For all times.


Maid Corbi


Maid Corbic from Tuzla, 23 years old. In his spare time he writes poetry that repeatedly praised as well as rewarded. He also selflessly helps others around him, and he is moderator of the World Literature Forum WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for humanity and peace in the world in Bhutan. He is also the editor of the First Virtual Art portal led by Dijana Uherek Stevanovic, and the selector of the competition at a page of the same name that aims to bring together all poets around the world.his face.