Reactor vessel installed at Kudankulam NPP Unit 3

Moscow – The reactor vessel has been installed in design position at Kudankulam NPP Unit 3 (Republic of India, general designer and general contractor is Rosatom State Corporation Engineering Division).

The assembly of the reactor vessel is a milestone, which launches further activities for the assembly of the reactor plant equipment allowing to speed up the construction of Unit 3 within the framework of the second stage of Kudankulam NPP.

The Indian customer, for the first time during the assembly of VVER-type units, assembled the reactor vessel by the “Open Top” method. This technology makes it possible to significantly reduce the time period of the project implementation due to optimization and reduction of the duration and number of assembly operations.

Certification of caterpillar crane LIEBHERR LR-11350 with the capacity of 1130 tons was successfully performed within the framework of preparation for the installation of the reactor vessel. The certification was necessary for ensuring the safety of operations as the total weight of the reactor vessel is 327 tons. This procedure is the final stage for receipt of the permit of the official bodies of India regulating the performance of assembly of the NPP main equipment.

Earlier, ASE JSC (part of Rosatom State Corporation Engineering Division) had shipped the reactor to the construction site in accordance with its obligations.