Russia launches ‘Condor-FKA radar’ satellite

Russia launches ‘Condor-FKA radar’ satellite

Vladivostok. Russia successfully launched a Soyuz-2.1A rocket from Vostochny Cosmodrome in the Far East on Saturday morning. The advanced radar technology is capable of 24-hour observation of the earth in all weather conditions.

Russia’s space agency Roscosmos has announced through a statement that the second radar satellite, Condor-FKA, has entered orbit. The Condor-FKA is a small civil radar Earth observation satellite, designed as a civilian counterpart.

The Russian-based Rocket Design Bureau (NPO) has reported that the Condor-FKA has seen steady progress since its inception. The first two satellites were launched in 2013 and 2014 respectively. Condor-FKA 1 was launched into orbit in 2023.

Two additional satellites are under construction. The third Condor-FKA launch is planned for the year 2026. the agency