Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, the UAE, and Qatar support the mediation efforts by Egypt, Qatar, and the US to end the Gaza crisis

Doha: The foreign ministers of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and the State of Qatar held a virtual meeting on June 3. They discussed developments in the mediation efforts by Egypt, the United States and Qatar aimed at reaching an exchange deal that leads to a permanent ceasefire, the release of hostages and detainees, and the delivery of adequate amounts of humanitarian assistance into Gaza. The foreign ministers of Jordan, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia reaffirmed their support for these efforts.
The ministers also discussed the proposal presented by US President Joe Biden on the 2nd of June to achieve this end. The foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the UAE, Qatar, and Egypt also stressed the importance of dealing seriously and positively with the US President’s proposal with the aim of agreeing on a deal that ensures a permanent ceasefire and the adequate delivery of aid to all parts of the Gaza Strip, in a manner that ends the suffering of the people of Gaza.
The ministers stressed the need to stop the aggression against Gaza and end the humanitarian catastrophe it is causing. They also stressed the need for the return of the displaced persons to their regions, the complete withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, and launching a reconstruction process within the framework of a comprehensive plan to implement the two-state solution in accordance with the relevant Security Council resolutions and with specific timeframes and binding guarantees.
The ministers also stressed that the implementation of the two-state solution, which embodies an independent and sovereign Palestinian state based on the June 4,1967, borders, with east Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side with Israel in peace and security, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the international community, as means to achieve peace and stability for all in the region.