Scientists found a black hole 33 times bigger than the Sun

Kathmandu. Scientists have found a large ‘black hole’ in the galaxy where Earth is located. Scientists have recently discovered a new black hole that is two thousand light years away from Earth.

Scientists named it ‘Unicorn’ (scientific name Gaia-BH3). In weight, this black hole is 33 times more than the Sun. Scientists have not seen this black hole directly. But since the stars were found rotating in the constellation Aquila, scientists were able to confirm that it was a ‘unicorn’.
This black hole has been discovered under the Gaia project of the European Space Agency (ESA). Launched in 2013, the goal of the project is to create a 3D map of billions of stars.
Similarly, scientists have confirmed the existence of unicorns from the Very Large Telescope (VLT) operated by the European Southern Observatory (ESO).
Similarly, this black hole was formed after the life of the stars ended. According to scientists, the unicorn is the largest such black hole found in the sky so far. But scientists have already found the largest black hole in the galaxy. Which is named Sagittarius A Star (Sagittarius A*).

This black hole is located in the central part of the galaxy. But this is black formed during the birth of stars. So far, there are 50 black holes that have been confirmed and estimated by scientists in our Milky Way galaxy.

But scientists say that this number may be in the thousands or millions. Scientists say that more studies about the unicorn black hole will soon be conducted.