Stop Harassment, A poem by Monalisa Parida

Stop Harassment, A poem by Monalisa Parida

                                                           STOP HARASSMENT!

                                            Poem composed by Monalisa Parida

Uncle let me go home

I have my schoolwork to do

I have to play with dolls 

My mother might be searching 

My father may be worrying 

My friends waiting at the door

My teachers may query about me 

If I am missed my parents cry

Please, give me a way to go.


Don’t try to eat my flesh, 

Don’t wish you to drink my blood, 

Don’t tear my body, 

Don’t hurt my soul badly. 


I am not a toy 

I am a human being 

I am a girl 

I have my own self-respect 

I won’t let you destroy it.



I am quiet

That doesn’t mean I am vulnerable 

I can’t tolerate it.

I will raise my voice,

Against your harassment. 


O my God protect me,

O humanity kindly save me, 

O my luck just favor me,

I want to live and live long. 


“Live and Let me live “!


Bio of the poet :- Monalisa Parida is a post graduate student of English literature from India, Odisha and a prolific poetess. She  is very active in social media platforms and her poems have also been translated into different  languages and publish in various e-journals.
She has got 80 international award for writing poetry. Her poems have been publishing international e-journals “New York parrot”, “The Writers Club” (USA), “Suriyadoya literary  foundation”, “kabita Minar”, “Indian Periodical” (India) and “Offline Thinker “, “The Gorkha Times “ ( Nepal), “The Light House”(Portugal), “Bharatvision”(Romania), “International cultural forum for humanity and creativity”(Aleppo, Syria), “”(Singapore) etc. And also published in various newspapers like “The Punjabi Writer Weekly(USA)”, “News Kashmir (J&K, India)”, Republic of Sungurlu (Turkey)” etc.
One of Monalisa’s poem was published in an American anthology named “The Literary Parrot Series-1 and  series-2 respectively (New York, USA)”. Her poems have been translated in various languages like Hindi, Bengali, Turkish, Persian, Romanian etc.  And she is the author of the book “Search For Serenity”, “My Favourite Grammar”, “Paradigm”.


IndiaMonalisa ParidaOdisha PoetStop Harassment