The commitment of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh to bring the perpetrators of student murder to justice

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday responded by punishing those responsible for the killing of six people in the ongoing student protests against the civil service recruitment rules.

Prime Minister Hasina condemned the killing and said that the criminals will be brought to justice. “I condemn every murder,” she said in an address to the nation on Wednesday evening, “I will ensure that those who commit murder, robbery and violence are punished.”

Six people died in clashes across the country on Tuesday when rival student groups attacked each other with bricks and bamboo sticks. Also, the police dispersed the rally by firing tear gas and rubber bullets.

Hasina’s government has ordered schools and universities to close until further notice, in the worst day of violence since protests against reservation in public sector jobs began this month.

Protesters accused his administration of abusing the quota scheme to secure prestigious government jobs with loyalists.