The Fervent Love, A poem by Monalisa Parida

The Fervent Love, A poem by Monalisa Parida



Invite me into the library of your mind 

Fingers running down your spine, 

Reading the stories of your life 

Solicits me to listen to the books you recite, 

Words rolling off your lips 

As I digest their meanings. 

In this room of solitude 

It’s me with the thoughts of you,

The idea of you,

The concept of us.

Perceives me whispering your name, 

Hear me moan your name, 

Ascertain me scream your name, 

Catch me speak your name. 

Out of breath, 

And out of my mind.

My heart will forever 

Be a student 

If it means learning more

About you everyday. 

This winter wind 

Invite me home again 

Back to summer nights.

To longing looks in our eyes 

To the fire between our bodies 

And not a care in the world.


Bio of the poet: Monalisa Parida is a postgraduate student of English literature from India, Odisha and a prolific poetess. She  is very active in social media platforms and her poems have also been translated into different languages and published in various e-journals.

She has got 80 international award for writing poetry. Her poems have been published in  international e-journals “New York parrot”, “The Writers Club” (USA), “Suryodaya literary  foundation”, “kabita Minar”, “Indian Periodical” (India) and “Offline Thinker “, “The Gorkha Times “ ( Nepal), “The Litehouse”(Portugal), “Bharatvision”(Romania), “International cultural forum for humanity and creativity”(Aleppo, Syria), “”(Singapore) etc. And also published in various newspapers like “The Punjabi Writer Weekly(USA)”,  “News Kashmir (J&K, India)”, Republic of Sungurlu (Turkey)”, etc.

A few of  her poems are published in an American anthology named “The Literary Parrot Series-1 and  series-2 respectively (New York, USA)”. Her poems have been translated into various languages. 


IndiaMonalisa ParidaOdisha PoetThe Fervent Love