The US House of Representatives passed a $61 billion relief package for Ukraine

Washington DC. The Lower House of Representatives of the US Congress has passed a relief package worth 61 billion dollars to aid Ukraine. There were 311 votes in favor of the proposal to help Ukraine, and 112 votes against it. Now this proposal will go to the upper house, the Senate. The proposal is expected to be passed by the Senate within a few days.
The help proposal was stuck in Congress for a long time. After it is passed by the Senate, US President Joe Biden will sign it and recognize the aid bill as a law. US President Joe Biden has said that with this support, the war will be prevented from progressing and thousands of lives can be saved.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has expressed his happiness that the resolution was passed. He said that democracy and freedom will always be important in the world and they will never fail as long as the US is there to protect it. In this proposal, Israel is given military aid worth about 26 billion dollars. About 9 billion dollars relief package has also been allocated for humanitarian aid in Gaza