UK Govt agency UKAID suuports Madhesh Province Government to host much awaited GOVERNMENT – INDUSTRY CONCLAVE

UK Govt agency UKAID suuports Madhesh Province Government to host much awaited GOVERNMENT – INDUSTRY CONCLAVE

Kathmandu:UK Govt agency UKAID suuports Madhesh Province Government to host much awaited GOVERNMENT – INDUSTRY CONCLAVE.


The Madhesh Province Government has in the past few months issued progressive policies and reform actions to cement public and private sector collaboration and expedite economic growth and job-creation in priority sectors of the province. The Government – Industry Conclave in Simara where senior ministers and secretaries from the Chief Minister’s Office will present and solicit industries’ feedback on the targeted reform initiatives. The Conclave is being organized in partnership with the Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) and the UKaid Skills for Employment Programme (UKaid सीप). Among the outcomes of this conclave, will be the formulation of joint actions between government and industry to further progress our reform actions.