Wise like the Moon, A poem composed by Pravesh Thapa

Wise like the Moon, A poem composed by Pravesh Thapa

Wise like the Moon

A Poem Composed by Pravesh Thapa  

If I were wise I would be a moon

Glow of mine

Would make everyone fine

Everyone only sees gleam of happiness

Only I own my plight.


I would be far from all

Only my vividness would be appreciated

And not the craters of mine.


Everyone sees me happy and fine,

But not the problem of mine.

I learn from the moon

Even having hornet’s nest of own

I could make everyone grin.


Bio of the poet: Pravesh Thapa is a Nepalese poet. He has an ability to express his words with natural imageries. He is a student of BBA 1st year at Nepal Business College, Biratnagar, Nepal.

BiratnagarNepalNepal Business CollegePravesh ThapaWise like the Moon