You, A Poem Composed by Yunisha Satyal


A Poem Composed by Yunisha Satyal 


Don’t let tomorrow

Make you rush through today,

Or too many great moments

Will just go to waste.


And the person you’re with

In that moment you share,

Give them all of your focus

Be totally there.


Laugh till it hurts

Let the tears drop;

Fill up each moment

With all that you’ve got.


Don’t miss the details

The lesson is there.

Don’t get complacent

Stay sharp and aware.


Bio of the Poet: Yunisha Satyal is a poet living in Kathmandu, Nepal. She has co – authored two books entitled “Remembrance Retouched” and “Pandemic Poetry 2020.” She is currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree and works as a counselor at Magnificent Education and IT Services. Her hobbies include reading books and writing poems.