Venezuelan Govt ready to normalise diplomatic and political connections with the United States: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said, his government is ready to normalise diplomatic and political connections with the United States. President Maduro said, Venezuela is fully ready to take steps towards a process of normalisation and regulation of diplomatic, consular, and political relations with the US government and with the government that may come.
In 2019, Venezuela cut ties with America after the United States started recognising Juan Guaido as the interim President instead of re-elected Nicolas Maduro. In return, Washington targeted Venezuela’s oil and financial enterprises and levied damaging prohibitions on Caracas.

However, the two countries renewed communion in March last year when President Joe Biden sent a US delegation to Caracas. The objective was to negotiate with the Maduro regime about oil supply problems amid the energy crisis, heightened by cutting ties with Russia, prisoner exchanges, and other topics.

Nicolas Maduro’s government and the opposition are currently in a power battle. The South American country has been in a downward spiral of growing political discontent for years. While some nations recognise Nicolas Maduro as the legal president, many people have backed Juan Guaido.