The first conversation between Biden and Sea, 1 hour and 45 minutes long discussion after four month

Washington. American President Joe Biden had a telephone conversation with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on Tuesday. This is the first opportunity of dialogue between the two leaders since their meeting in November.
The conversation between the officials of the two countries took place when they were trying to reduce the tension between the two countries. At a time when tensions are rising in various regions of the world, the conversation between the two leaders is being viewed with importance.
According to CNN, issues such as the ongoing war in Gaza and Ukraine as well as North Korea’s nuclear weapons test were discussed during the telephone conversation. Similarly, it is said that issues that created tension between the two countries including Taiwan, South China Sea, etc. were also discussed.
According to the White House, Biden and Seabee also discussed topics on which the US and China could cooperate. These included the control of drug trafficking, AI, climate change and others. What House described the 1 hour 45 minute dialogue as ‘candid’ and positive. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has also claimed that the two leaders had an in-depth discussion. -CNN

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