Thousands of people displaced in Myanmar due to floods

Kathmandu. Thousands of people have been displaced in southern Myanmar due to massive floods. Thousands of infrastructures have been submerged. The water level of rivers in four districts of Ayeyarwady, Bago, Mon and Kein and 13 cities of the state have crossed the warning limit.

A total of 18,210 people belonging to 4,793 households have been displaced due to floods in Bago Township of Bago Region in recent days due to continuous heavy rain. It has been reported that 4,985 people from 370 households in Myawaddi Rural Municipality of Kein State have taken shelter at 11 relief centers in the village due to the flow of Thaungyin River due to incessant rains.

Railway tracks and highways have been submerged in Ayeyarwady region and Som state. Which has put passengers at risk. Apart from the four regions and states, the Taninthai town of Taninthai region was flooded due to the rise in the water level of the Taninthai River due to torrential rains.

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