Antonina Samoilova unfurls the Ukrainian flag on summit of Mount Everest

Kathmandu: On the roof of the world, Antonina Samoilova held up a blue and yellow panel emblazoned “Stand With Ukraine” while her father and brother were serving in the army defending their country against Russia’s invasion.
The 33-year-old had tears in her eyes as she unfurled the Ukrainian flag on the summit of Mount Everest last week, she said on Wednesday after returning to Kathmandu.
The world’s attention was turning away from her country’s plight following Russia’s invasion, she worried.
“It is a pity… it’s not good for us Ukrainians because we need more help, we need all the world to help us,” she told AFP. “It’s not yet over in Ukraine.
“I knew already before the expedition that I am the only Ukrainian on Everest this year. That made me push myself to go to the summit because I knew if it’s not me, then who?” she said.
Samoilova was at the summit of Pico de Orizaba, Mexico’s highest mountain, in February when news of the Russian invasion reached her.
Her first updates on the war came from a Kyiv bomb shelter where her sister was hiding.

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