Kathmandu. The Chief of Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Balendra Shah (Balen) has said that by the year 2050, 80 percent of the world’s population will live in cities, and the challenge in urban management is increasing. He expressed this opinion in the ‘Metropolis Niti Wahas’ related to the welfare of land and metropolis and improvement of living standards.
“The solutions to the problems we have seen, experienced and anticipated are with us.” Shah said, “migration to big cities should be discouraged.” The satellite cities should be provided facilities and opportunities like health, education, employment in big cities. It stops the accumulation of population. It helps to maintain the balance of population in geographical location of different nature. It contributes to urban development and facility distribution management. Therefore, in the urban policy, the metropolises should discourage the migration towards big cities.
“Migration not only increases urban pressure. The original culture of the villages is also being destroyed. Language is also destroyed. There is also a need for such policies to protect the various aspects connected with rural life.” he said.
The policy debate focused on the dimensions, scarcity and impacts of urban housing and a common global agenda to reduce climate risks, adequate infrastructure, a low carbon footprint and an inclusive approach to meet the diverse needs of each community member. Mayors (chiefs) of major metropolitan cities participated in the event.
The topic of urban housing and buildings are the main topics of discussion in the board of directors. In the meeting, to face the challenges of urban housing, issues related to decent and comfortable living are being discussed.
Chief Shah is a member of Metropolis board of directors. Metropolis is an international organization with membership of more than 150 major metropolises of the world, mutual and global cooperation, dialogue, exchange of knowledge and solutions, raising collective voice. Chief Shah left for Brazil on 3rd June to participate in the meeting. After the meeting, he will return home on Saturday, June 8.
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