Kathmandu. Denmark has been ranked among the world’s least corrupt countries.
According to the Corruption Perceptions Index released by Transparency International Nepal today, Denmark has been the least corrupt country in this index, scoring 90 points for the past seven consecutive years, out of 180 countries. Similarly, South Sudan is on the list of most corrupt countries. South Sudan has been recorded as the most corrupt country this year, scoring eight points.
In the index, a score of 100 indicates the cleanest and a score of zero indicates the most corrupt. The average score of the surveyed countries has remained at 43 this year as well. Among those scoring low are fragile and conflict-affected countries. Countries that are active at the international level on climate change, which is a matter of global concern, have also scored low in the Corruption Perceptions Index survey.
According to Transparency International Nepal, Nepal has been ranked 107th in terms of corruption. Nepal has scored a total of 34 points out of 100, the press release states. The organization has pointed out that this result shows the need to take effective action against corruption in Nepal, according to a statement issued by its chairman Madan Krishna Sharma.
Among South Asian countries, Bhutan has scored 72 points, India has scored 38 points, Maldives has scored 38 points, Nepal has scored 34 points, Sri Lanka has scored 32 points, Pakistan has scored 27 points, Bangladesh has scored 23 points and Afghanistan has scored 17 points. Neighboring China has scored 43 points, the statement states.
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