Nepal Finance Minister Barsaman Pun unveiled Rs1.960 trillion budget for the fiscal year 2024-25

Kathmandu: Nepal Announces Rs. 1,860B annual budget for 2081/82 BS. Finance Minister Barsaman Pun unveiled Rs1.960 trillion  budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 on Tuesday afternoon in Parliament. The budget has set the economic growth rate for the upcoming year at 6% while  Nepal’s per capita income has reached $1,456.

A significant portion of Rs1.14 tn, equivalent to 61.31% of the total budget,is earmarked for recurrent expenditure. Rs352.35 bn,constituting 18.94% of the budget, is allocated for capital expenditure,while Rs367.18 bn is dedicated to financial management.

Finance Minister Barsha Man Pun has unveiled plans to initiate commercial marijuana farming in the country.

The government has allocated NPR 57.29 billion to the Ministry of Agriculture.

Nepal Announces Rs. 1,860B annual budget for 2081/82 BS
– Rs. 1140B for recurrent expenses
– Rs. 352B for capital expenditure
– Rs. 367B for financial expenditure
– Revenue target: Rs. 1260B
– Foreign grants: Rs. 52B
– Foreign loans: Over Rs. 200B
– Internal loans: Over Rs. 300B

Budget Speech 2081/82 :

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