North Korea executes 30 teens for watching South Korean TV shows

Pyongyang There are few people who have not heard about the dictator of North Korea. His anger with his enemies is so great that he cannot bear their praise under any circumstances.

Recently, the ruler of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, executed more than 30 children for watching South Korean and American TV shows. At the beginning of this year, Kim declared South Korea as his greatest enemy. In North Korea, watching South Korean TV programs and listening to songs is a crime.

South Korean TV serials and shows are not broadcast in North Korea. Some smugglers sell these banned TV serials to children on hidden pen drives at high prices. Recently, the South Korean media Chosun TV and Korea Jongang Daily prepared a report.

According to reports, North Korea has claimed to have executed 30 middle school students for watching stealth K-dramas. South Korean officials have not commented directly on these claims. Jeong Daely, an official of the South Korean ministry, said that they know what is happening in North Korea and the report is proof of it.

Shooting in public places

According to Business Insider’s report, laws have been introduced in North Korea to ensure that no citizen adopts the culture of South Korea, America and Japan. If anyone is found doing this, strict action will be taken.

Earlier, there was a news that those who listened to South Korean songs were given death penalty. In 2022, a United Nations report said that a person was shot in public in North Korea’s Kangwon province.

He was sentenced after he was found selling a clip of a South Korean TV show. BBC News also said in a news story in January that it had obtained special footage of two teenagers who were sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for watching a K-pop video. Agency

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