These are the top 10 most livable cities in the world

Kathmandu, According to the Global Liveability Index, 2024 (Global Liveability Index), a new list of the most livable cities in the world has been released. It measures the quality of life based on the stability of the city, health services, culture, education and infrastructure, and prepares indicators of the livability of cities.
According to the list, the 10 most livable cities in the world are:
1. Vienna, Austria:
As the most livable city in the world, Vienna, the capital of Austria, has maintained its top position this year as well. In the livability index, Vienna has scored 98.4 points out of a total of 100 points. It has received full marks in stability, health services, education and infrastructure, and has received 93.5 points in the culture category. Due to its commitment to public services and safety for its residents, Vienna has been an ideal city for living.
2. Copenhagen, Denmark:
The Danish capital, Copenhagen, which is in second place with a total of 98 points, is known for its high-quality healthcare and cultural heritage. The city has also received full marks in the sustainability, education and infrastructure categories.

3. Zurich, Switzerland:
With 97.3 points, the Swiss city of Zurich ranks third in the world’s list of liveable cities. It has received full marks in the categories of health and education. This Hasar is popular for its beautiful blend of ancient and modern culture. Due to the state-of-the-art infrastructure and public transport, this city is an ideal city for living.
4. Melbourne, Australia:
Melbourne, ranked fourth with a total of 97 points, is renowned for its cultural diversity. The city scored a total of 95.8 points in the culture category. Like Zurich, Melbourne scored full points in the health and education categories. Which shows the strong public health and education system here. Due to the city’s well-equipped infrastructure system and environment, it has managed to be among the top four livable cities.
5. Calgary, Canada:
The city of Calgary, which managed to score full points in the sustainability and health care categories, ranked fifth overall on the livability index with a score of 96.8. Although it got a few low scores in the cultural category, the city’s education and infrastructure aspects are very strong.
6. Geneva, Switzerland:
The city of Switzerland, which is in sixth place with a total score of 96.8, is famous for its high-quality healthcare and education system. The cultural aspect and infrastructure system of this city is also rich. Geneva is the choice of city dwellers due to its modern and convenient urban environment as well as reliable public services.
7. Sydney, Australia:
With high-quality healthcare, education and infrastructure, Sydney has been ranked seventh in the world’s most livable cities due to its multi-faceted artistic scene and diversity of cultural attractions. Sydney’s stable environment and beautiful natural colors also add to its livability.
8. Vancouver, Canada:
Vancouver, ranked eighth with a total of 96.6 points, has the highest score of 97.2 in the culture category among the top ten cities. The quality of life in the city is high due to the city’s high-quality healthcare, education and infrastructure.
9. Osaka, Japan:
Osaka, which is in the ninth place, has 96 points. Osaka received full marks in the stability and health care categories. Although Osaka’s score in the cultural category is the lowest among the top 10, its education and infrastructure have also increased Osaka’s livability.
10. Auckland, New Zealand:
Auckland, which is number 10 in the list of the most livable cities in the world, has received a total of 96 points. Auckland has high scores in health services, education and infrastructure. Auckland has been established as a highly livable city due to its stable and interconnected environment

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