USAID Calls for Innovators to Counter Corruption in the Green Minerals Industry

This week, Administrator Samantha Power announced an open call for innovations for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Countering Transnational Corruption Grand Challenge for Development, Powering A Just Energy Transition Green Minerals Challenge (JET Minerals Challenge). The JET Minerals Challenge, launched during COP27 in partnership with Amazon, BHP Foundation, and Chandler Foundation, will incentivize the development, application, and scaling of innovations that root out corruption in green mineral supply chains to fulfill the promise of an inclusive, sustainable, and just clean energy future.

As the world transitions to green energy sources, a spike in demand for the green minerals that power these technologies could benefit millions through inclusive, sustainable economic growth. Yet, without a significant course correction and investment in new and innovative approaches to addressing corruption, countries rich with green minerals will face the same resource curse that has plagued so many oil-rich countries. Avoiding this fate will require preventing corruption from penetrating green minerals supply chains—and uprooting it where it does exist. That is where the JET Minerals Challenge comes in.

The JET Minerals Challenge is calling for innovators from all sectors—and all geographic locations—to put forth their ideas to help solve this complex challenge. We know that innovation can stem from anywhere, so we encourage all who are interested to apply for or amplify this opportunity. The JET Minerals Challenge seeks solutions that counter corruption and strengthen transparency, accountability, and integrity in the global rush to meet the unprecedented demand for green minerals.

Innovators will join a growing network of entrepreneurs, technical experts, mentors, and private sector partners with a shared purpose of advancing evidence and best practice, sharing learning, and building collective action. The JET Minerals Challenge will offer a combination of financial and nonfinancial resources to support a diverse range of solutions and innovators in both the testing and scaling of approaches, as well as helping innovators overcome barriers to addressing corruption within green mineral supply chains.

For more information on requirements, restrictions, and how to apply, visit the Challenge site here(link is external). If you would like more information about how to partner with us on this groundbreaking initiative, contact


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