Kathmandu. Uber, the famous ride sharing platform, is going to include 1 lakh units of BYD cars in its fleet service. Uber has entered into an agreement with BYD to include so many cars in the service starting from Europe and Latin America.
An agreement has been signed between these two companies to sell BVD cars at a special price to Uber drivers and also to provide simple finance facilities. Also, the two companies have agreed to develop autonomous technology in the future. It has been mentioned in the agreement that BYD will develop cars with autonomous technology that will be useful for the Uvar platform.
In spite of the high taxes recently announced by Europe and America to stop the growing dominance of Chinese brand EVs, the Western media have taken this agreement with Uvar as very meaningful. Some media have even commented that this agreement confirms that no one can stop the growing global influence of BYD.
In collaboration with BYD, Uvar said that it will make its fleet services global. It has been agreed between these two companies that this service will be expanded to the West, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
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