Baku. The world’s richest countries have pledged to give $3 trillion to poor countries. The money will be made available to prepare for climate change and protect against its impacts. The talks at the UN climate conference COP29 held in Baku, Azerbaijan, began 33 hours late.
The talks were almost fruitless. But in the end, some agreement was reached. Despite the difficult journey, they have reached an agreement, said Simon Steele, the head of the UN climate change body. But the talks failed to unite all member states on last year’s demand to reduce the use of biofuels.
The talks, which took place at noon on Saturday, excluded developing countries as well as the countries most affected by climate change. Switzerland, the Maldives, Canada and Australia had objected, saying that the language on reducing the use of fossil fuels worldwide was too weak. A decision on this has been postponed until the 2025 climate talks. Agency
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