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Inception meeting to enhance Respiratory Syncytial Virus surveillance held

Lalitpur  – The National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL), Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP), with support from WHO Country Office for Nepal, organized an inception meeting to enhance Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) surveillance by integrating it with the established national integrated influenza SARS-COV-2 sentinel surveillance. Over 30 experts and health personnel from NPHL, MoHP, Nepal Paediatric Society, and selected four sentinel hospitals (Koshi Hospital, Narayani Hospital, Kanti Children Hospital and Surkhet Province Hospital) provided their feedback to finalize the developed protocols to enhance the country’s capacity for comprehensive monitoring of wider respiratory pathogens. The standardized protocols, adapting to the WHO strategy for global RSV surveillance project based on the influenza platform, will guide sample collection, transportation, testing and data management, ensuring consistency and accuracy across all surveillance sites. WHO will also conduct capacity-building programs, ensuring interoperability and synergy with ongoing national respiratory surveillance efforts. The meeting was supported through the WHO Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Fund.


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