Kathmandu. A heatstroke alert has been issued to 38 of Japan’s 47 prefectures.
Due to the extreme heat wave, the temperature may reach up to 40 degrees Celsius in some areas.
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) said temperatures in the cities of Kumagaya, Kofu and Hamamatsu are likely to reach 40 degrees Celsius as the high pressure system continues to bring sunny and cold weather, mainly to eastern and western Japan.
According to the JMA, daytime high temperatures are expected to reach 39 degrees in the cities of Saitama, Maibashi, Kyoto and Okayama, and 38 degrees in the cities of central Tokyo, Utsunomiya, Otsu and Kochi.
Meteorological officials asked people not to hesitate to use air conditioners and to take fluids and salt frequently, and to avoid unnecessary going out and exercising.
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