Photojournalist Purnima Shrestha has set a world record by climbing the world’s highest peak Mount Everest three times in the same year.
He set the record by stepping on the peak of Mount Everest for the third time this morning in the spring climbing of Mount Everest.
Rakesh Gurung, Director of Adventure Tourism and Mountaineering Branch of the Department of Tourism informed that climber Shrestha successfully climbed Mount Everest at 5:50 am today.
Journalist Shrestha has become the first woman to climb Mt. Everest three times in the same year. This is his fourth time climbing Mount Everest. Earlier, Shrestha successfully climbed Mt. Everest for the first time on May 12 and for the second time on May 19.
Shrestha of Arughat rural municipality-10 of Gorkha climbed Mt. Everest for the first time in 1018. She has climbed various mountains in the world including Everest.
Shrestha, who is on a mission to climb 14 mountains above 8,000 meters in the world, climbed K-To, the second highest mountain in the world in Pakistan, in July last year.
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