Kathmandu–The incidence of violence in the world is continuously increasing. Some countries have even attacked other countries. Most countries are under the grip of violence, but there are some countries in the world where violence is less. According to a report recently released by the Global Peace Index, Nepal is ranked 80th in the list of peaceful countries, while neighboring India is ranked 116th and China is ranked 88th. Similarly, Bangladesh, which has recently gone through internal political upheaval, has been ranked 93rd and Sri Lanka 100th.
According to the Global Peace Index, the countries in the top 10 peaceful countries are as follows
1. Iceland
Iceland has become the most peaceful country in the world. This country, located in Europe, has a population of 394,000. It does not have a standing army. It depends on international agreements for security.
Ireland is the second most peaceful country. The population of the European country Ireland is 5.26 million. Ireland, which has previously struggled with violence, has now managed to move up to second place as the most peaceful country in the world.
Austria, another European country, is the third most peaceful country in the world. Its population is 9.13 million. Austria is famous for its annual music festivals, such as the Salzburg Festival, and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Formerly the center of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Austria became a small republic after World War I.
4. New Zealand
New Zealand is the fourth most peaceful country in the world. New Zealand has a population of 5.12 million. This country in the South Pacific is famous for its democratic principles, which include free and fair elections, minimal foreign influence, and adequate political rights and civil liberties. New Zealand’s police force performs its duties without weapons.
5. Singapore
Singapore is the fifth most peaceful country in the world. The Asian country of Singapore has a population of 5.92 million. Singapore’s strategic location, political stability, and strong economy have made it an important hub for international trade, finance, and tourism.
6. Switzerland
Located in Europe, Switzerland is the sixth most peaceful country in the world. The country has a population of 8.85 million. Switzerland is officially the Swiss Confederation, a small landlocked country in Central Europe. The country is also known for its commitment to peace, security, and international cooperation.
7. Portugal
Portugal is the seventh most peaceful country in the world. This European country has a population of 15 million. Portugal’s rich history is known for its well-preserved historical sites and medieval castles. Portugal has experienced significant economic growth, particularly in the areas of tourism, technology, and renewable energy.
8. Denmark
Another European country, Denmark is the eighth most peaceful country in the world. Denmark has a population of 5.95 million. Denmark is known for its rich history, strong economy, and commitment to stability and innovation. Although Denmark is predominantly Danish, there are significant ethnic groups including Turks, Poles, Romanians, Germans and Iraqis.
9. Slovenia
Located in south-central Europe, Slovenia is also a European country. It is ranked as the ninth most peaceful country. Slovenia has a population of 2.12 million. Slovenia, which gained independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, borders Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia.
10. Malaysia
Malaysia, located in Asia, is the tenth most peaceful country in the world. Malaysia has a population of 34.3 million. Malaysia is also known for its diverse cultural identity. It has Malay, Chinese and Indian influences. The country is also known for its natural attractions, which include lush greenery, pristine beaches and unique wildlife. It also has a strong focus on the electronics, petroleum and palm oil industries.
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