Washington DC. Tiktok has restarted its service in the US after shutting down its service for about 12 hours. The company has taken this decision after newly elected President Donald Trump promised to take steps to protect the app.
Tiktok welcomes back its users and says, ‘Thank you for your patience. Earlier, the app had shut down its services in the US since Saturday night, hours before the ban on the app.
After the new law banning Tik Tok in the US, it was not available on Apple and Google Play stores either. Other apps from the Chinese company Bytedance, Lemon8 and Capcut, were also removed.
But on Sunday morning, Trump vowed to issue an executive order after Monday’s inauguration that would delay the implementation of the law that would ban TikTok. The company was back in service in the US a few hours later. There are 170 million users on Tiktok in America.
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