UN chief’s call to strengthen efforts to protect children from human trafficking

The United Nations United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has issued a message on the occasion of the International Day Against Human Trafficking, which is celebrated on July 30, and has called for further strengthening of efforts to protect children from human trafficking.
‘Human trafficking is a horrible crime. On this year’s International Day Against Human Trafficking, let’s focus especially on the protection of the most vulnerable among us – children’, said Guterres.

One third of victims of human trafficking are children. They have been subjected to unspeakable abuses such as labor exploitation, being sold as brides, being recruited as soldiers or being forced to engage in criminal activities,” he said.

Rising inequality and globalization have fostered complex trafficking networks that challenge traditional legal frameworks and create new forms of slavery.

The head of the United Nations pointed out, ‘due to the online network, children are being victims of sexual exploitation and gender-based violence, and it has given the smugglers the means to exploit the victims across the border.’

Noting that the physical and psychological injuries of such crimes last for a long time, robbing them of their innocence, future and fundamental rights, Guterres said, ‘We need to build a child-sensitive justice system, raise awareness, care for victims and help vulnerable families to eliminate the root causes of exploitation,’ said Guterres. It should be strengthened.’

The head of the United Nations called on governments, civil society and the private sector, including technology companies, to intensify their efforts and cooperation so that no child becomes a victim and no trafficking escapes the scope of the law.

“Today, let’s express our commitment for the safe and independent future of every child,” he said. Agency

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