As the world is recovering from the novel coronavirus pandemic, a zoonotic virus has been discovered in two eastern provinces of China. The new type of Henipavirus is also being called Langya Henipavirus or the LayV.
As per media reports, it has infected thirty five persons in Shandong and Henan provinces of China, so far. Many had symptoms such as fever, fatigue and a cough.
Media Reports said that there was no close contact or common exposure history among the infected patients. It said, the infections may be sporadic in the human population.
The studies found that the new virus has jumped from animals to humans. The RNA of Langya Henipavirus has been predominantly found in shrews. The mole-like mammals may be natural reservoirs for the virus. About Five per cent of dogs and Two percent of goats also tested positive for it.
Researchers said that there is ‘no need to panic because the cases of LayV found so far have not been fatal or very serious. However, they suggested there is still a need to be alert as many viruses that exist in nature have unpredictable results when they infect humans.
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