कविता: फरक यति हो by अभिराज खाती अन्जान, with its English Translation by Sushant Thapa

         फरक यति  हो


म जाहाज चडेर परदेश गएको मान्छे
फर्किदा पनि जाहाज नै चडेर फर्किएको छु
फरक यति मात्रै हो
जादा सिटमा बसेर
रमाइला दृश्यहरु हेर्दै
मिठा मिठा खानेकुरा खादै
 रमाइला गफ गर्दै। उज्ज्वल भबिश्यको मिठो
सपना देख्दै  गएको थिए ।
फर्किदा आँखा बन्द गरेर
चुपचाप कहिले नउठने गहिरो
निद्रामा बिना सपना
मस्त निदाएर फर्किएको छु।
म जादा पनि एयरर्पोर्टमा
आफन्त आएका थिए।
म फर्किदा पनि आफ्न्त
एयरर्पोर्ट आएका छन।
फरक यति मात्रै हो
जादा छोड्न आएका थिए
छिट्टै भेट्ने र रमाइलो गर्ने आशा साथ।
अन्तिम बिदाईका
हात हल्लाएका थिए।
फर्किन त छिट्टै फर्किए।
तर ती आफ्न्तलाई कहिले
नदेख्ने र कहिले नबोल्ने गरेर
वृद्ध बा ले कान्छा म मरे भने
दाग बत्ती दिन झिट्टै आइनु भनेका थिए
बा म फर्कन त छिट्टै फर्किएको छु
तर फरक यत्ती हो
म दाग बत्ती दिन होइन
लिन आएको छु।
म जादा पनि प्यारी रोएकी थिइन ।
म फर्कदा पनि प्यारी रोइरहेकी छिन।
फरक यति मात्रै हो ।
जादा उनको आँसु पुछ्न सक्थे
फर्किदा सक्दिन ।
पहिले उनिसङ्ग बोल्न सक्थे अहिले सक्दिन ।
जाने बेला छिट्टै आनुस भनेकी थिइन
आउन पनि छिट्टै आए तर
फरक यत्ती मात्रै हो जादा मान्छे भएर गएको थिए।
आउदा मुर्दा बनेर।


अभिराज खाती अन्जान
थाहा नगरपालिका 4 मकवानपुर 
हाल काठमाण्डौ 


English Translation


The Only Difference


In an aircraft,

I went to the toilsome foreign land.

And in an aircraft I have returned—but

There is a difference.

While going,

I was seated comfortably,

I saw jolly sceneries on the way,

I ate delicacies and talked sweet,

I even foretold the sermons of bright future.

When returning,

My eyes are shut now forever,

I have returned like a never awaking

Silent one in a deep slumber, my aspirations

All dead.

Relatives came to see me off

At the airport

When I went.

They have come to greet me

Even when I come today;

The only difference is that

When I went

They came to see me off with promises

And hopes to see me soon, and enjoy.

They had waved me the last goodbye.

I have retuned but I will never be able to

Speak and see those relatives again.

My old father had told me:

My youngest son—if I die

Come soon to burn me with

The cremation fire.

Oh father, I have returned

But not to cremate you into ashes,

But to cremate myself into ashes, by you.

Even when I went

There were tears in my sweetheart’s eyes,

The only difference is that

I could wipe those tears when I was leaving,

Now, I cannot.

I could speak with her before,

Now I cannot.

She had told me to come soon as I left,

I came soon, but the only difference is that

I was alive when I went,

Now, I am a corpse.


Bio of the Poet: Poet Abhiraj Khati Anjan (अभिराज खाती अन्जान),  is from Makwanpur, Nepal. He currently lives in Kathmandu. 


Note: This poem is translated into English by Sushant Thapa, Assistant Editor of Himalaya Diary.

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