The Crepe Myrtle and Summer of Blooms, Two Poems by Ranjit K. Sahu

The Crepe Myrtle and Summer of Blooms

Two Poems by Ranjit K. Sahu




The greenery of trees in summer heat

Holding up their lacy blossoms in style

Each petal carved with nature’s skill and feat


Causing the butterflies to stop and smile

Red, orange, pink, purple and silken white

Each hue of the crepe myrtle grabs the eye

Priceless are summer days filled with their sight

Evenings stealing their colors for the sky


Myriad of colors deck the landscape

Yards and avenues blushing with their glow

Resisting the summer heat flowers drape

The streets and lanes in an elegant show

Let not summer be seen as something hard

Each season has its beauty and ballad.





Scattered along the creek side and the trails

Under shades of trees and out in the sun

Mesmerizing the bees and skippers frail

Millions of golden rod blooms fill the run

Eager to catch up with the shine and show

River edges fill with blooms of partridge peas


Over the weeks that the ironweed glows

False sunflowers also invite the bees


Blue Mist blooms, Wingstem, Green-eyed Susan dance

Lighting the underwoods with their color

Out in the trails the lone heart seeks romance

Oft trying to match the fun with fervor

Much comes in colors on a summer day

Sundrops and evening primroses hold their sway.


Note: All the photographs of flowers are by Ranjit K. Sahu.

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